Introducing the NEW BD Insulin Syringe with theBD Ultra-Fine™ 6mm needle
•As effective as longer needles
•Less intimidating
•Reduces the risk of a painful injection in the muscle
Over 80% of patients with diabetes preferred the BD Insulin Syringe
with the NEW BD Ultra-Fine™ 6mm needle to their current needle
Latest clinical evidence and injection recommendations
advocate shorter needles
The latest injection technique recommendations published in Diabetes and Metabolism (2010) mentions the following. “Shorter needles are safer and are often better tolerated…Initial therapies should begin with shorter needles. Shorter needles reduce the risk of injecting into the muscle. 4, 5 and 6mm needles may be used by any adult patient including obese ones.”
There is no medical reason to use a needle longer than 6mm.
Watch this video to learn about the parts of
an insulin syringe and the benefits of BD
BD Insulin Syringes
BD Insulin Syringe with the BD Ultra-Fine™ 6mm Needle
1 mL 6 mm (15/64”) x 31 G
BD Catalog #: 324912
BD NDC/HRI #: 08290-3249-12
BD Insulin Syringe with the BD Ultra-Fine™ 6mm Needle
1/2 mL 6 mm (15/64”) x 31 G
BD Catalog #: 324911
BD NDC/HRI #: 08290-3249-11
BD Insulin Syringe with the BD Ultra-Fine™ 6mm Needle
3/10 mL 6 mm (15/64”) x 31 G
BD Catalog #: 324909
BD NDC/HRI #: 08290-3249-09
BD Insulin Syringe with the BD Ultra-Fine™ 6mm Needle
with Half-Unit Scale
3/10 mL 6 mm (15/64”) x 31 G
BD Catalog #: 324910
BD NDC/HRI #: 08290-3249-10
BD Still Offers the Following Insulin Syringe Needles:
BD Ultra-FineTMNeedle 8 mm (5/16”) x 31 G
BD Ultra-FineTMNeedle with half-unit-scale (available in 0.3mL only) 8 mm (5/16”) x 31 G
BD Ultra-FineTMNeedle 12.7 mm (1/2”) x 30 G
Your BD Insulin Syringe Scale is Changing
In keeping with the latest healthcare guidelines, all BD Ultra-Fine™Insulin Syringe scales will
change to also include mL (millileter), the universal liquid measurement, over the next few months.
This does not change the amount of insulin you use or the way that you use your insulin syringes.
For example, 0.5 cc equals 0.5 mL, which is the same as 50 units of insulin.
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