- Advanced wound dressing made from collagen, sodium alginate, carboxylmethylcellulose (CMC), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and silver chloride
- Facilitates natural wound healing
- Transforms into a soft gel sheet when in contact with wound exudates
- Maintains a moist wound environment
- The silver chloride provides effective broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity
- May be trimmed and layered for the management of deep wounds
How to apply:
- Debride and irrigate the wound bed with an appropriate wound cleanser or distilled water before application.
- Cut the dressing to fit the exact wound size. For heavily exudating wounds, apply the dressing directly to the wound bed. For dry wounds with very little exudate, moisten the wound bed with distilled water to begin the gelling process.
- Cover the ColActive Plus Ag with an appropriate secondary dressing.
- Change dressings daily or as good nursing practice dictates.
Care and Removal:
- Remove the secondary dressing with care. Gently remove ColActive Plus Ag ensuring that the dressing removal does not damage any newly formed tissues.
- Use an appropriate wound cleanser or distilled water to cleanse the wound site prior to applying a new ColActive Plus Ag dressing, as per application instructions.
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